How-to Increase Adept’s Font Size under KDE4 (Kubuntu)

One issue that was bugging me for a while was the different font size (after adjusting it) on couple applications (including Adept) under my fresh installation of Kubuntu Interpid....

January 5, 2009 · Peter

VMware Player / Workstation Keyboard Mapping Problem

After switching from Debian Unstable to Kubuntu 8.10 I reinstalled my VMware Player 2.5.1 and started my Windows XP virtual machine....

January 5, 2009 · Peter


It’s been quite a while from my last post but I have not been losing my time in this period....

December 18, 2008 · Peter

Facebook Style Image Cropping (Javascript Preview)

While others are sun bathing somewhere on the shores of Black Sea I received another interesting task – to implement cropping for user uploaded profile images....

August 26, 2008 · Peter

Javascript Dynamic Paging (MooTools Pager)

Couple of days ago I had to create a content pager which can dynamically insert page numbers including previous and next buttons....

August 16, 2008 · Peter