One issue that was bugging me for a while was the different font size (after adjusting it) on couple applications (including Adept) under my fresh installation of Kubuntu Interpid. After investigating and Google-ing I found out that it was due to running those proccesses as “root” which had different fonts and GTK+  settings.


$ kdesudo systemsettings

After running the command above setup the font size as you like it. Working as normal user is something new to me and I’m not sure I like. Needing to write my pass to many times and having to chown my old files is just not that pleasant.


Comment by 3Miro on 2009-02-25 22:26:01 +0300

Thanks for the info, it was very helpful.

BTW, I know that writing your pass is a pain in the …., but there are good reasons for it. One is security, if you run everything as root, any process that you run becomes a potential vulnerability, another is, well there are fewer things that you can mess ups as just a regular user.

Comment by Stheght1 on 2009-03-05 16:19:51 +0300

Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated!

Comment by Srikanth MK on 2010-03-22 16:59:00 +0300


Thanks for the HINT ! It helped a lot to improve my fonts in KDE 4.4.1. for admin applications.
