Customizable Form Select / Dropdown Replacement with Mootools

After seeing couple of implementations of replacing the default form checkboxes and radio buttons I was on a search for cross-platform select dropdown which can be fully styled with CSS....

July 17, 2008 · Peter

Howto Optimize Rendering Speed of ASP.NET Ajax Websites

A common case for most ASP.NET sites is slow frontend rendering due to many Javascripts. The typical requests graph looks like this:...

April 14, 2008 · Peter

WAI / XHTML Valid Input Watermarks for Mootools

Just refactored the input watermarking script, of course it is still **XHTML** 1.0 transitional and **WCAG** priority 1,2 valid. JavaScript:...

November 14, 2007 · Peter

IE6 PNG Transparency Fix with Javascript v2.0

Thanks to Aaron Newton from for refactoring my PNG Fix script and increasing its quality and speed. As usual for dessert explanations + demo and source code...

November 12, 2007 · Peter

Custom Dropdown (Styled Select)

Update: A far more better approach is to dynamically replace ’s in the HTML. Here is my post on the topic – Customizable Form Select / Dropdown Replacement with Mootools...

November 1, 2007 · Peter