Nvidia Driver Version 96.43.01 is Patched too

We received couple of requests for the legacy drivers too, so here you go guys : http://grizach.servebeer.com/nvpatch Also we summed the access logs from all the mirrors and we found out that we have more than 10 000 downloads....

October 7, 2007 · Peter

Nvidia Driver Version 100.14.19 is Patched

Again on nvpatch home page you can find the most recent Nvidia driver patched for linux kernel 2.6.21 Enjoy!

September 26, 2007 · Peter

Broken Links

Kuangwei pointed out that the current servebeer links do not work. This is due to the reason that the servebeer server has stopped redirecting properly to sc18....

August 29, 2007 · Peter