If you have seen some strangely cut off ‘W’ than you know what is all about.
Description of the bug: If you have some word ending with ‘w’, you are using Verdana font-family, font-size 10px, your words are in table and most of all you are using Internet Explorer with your Cleartype turned on – you get this:
Comment by Wahoo on 2007-10-06 21:11:27 +0300
Thank you for sharing!
Comment by admin on 2007-10-07 22:31:26 +0300
No problem
Comment by Jase on 2007-11-05 20:31:53 +0300
Have you seen this one?
When you have ClearType turned off and view a website in IE (seen in 6, not sure about 7), the first capital W has the left side cut off.
You can see it here
Not very handy, and I can’t find a solution so far.
Comment by Peter on 2007-11-13 13:34:36 +0300
just checked it out. The one solution that i can suggest is changing font size if suitable also it strongly suggested to keep your style definitions in external file that way the browser will be able to cache it.