How-to Install VMware Player / Workstation on 2.6.24 Kernel

Update: If you are looking for patching VMware for Linux 2.6.25 Kernel – check here Currently latest VMware Player and Workstation do not install under Linux 2....

February 2, 2008 · Peter

Install KDE4 on Debian Unstable (Sid)

Update: With KDE 4.1 kicking the traffic to this page has increased dramatically. So for installing KDE 4.1 on Debian unstable you have to generally follow the same instructions (add expreimental repository to your sources....

January 19, 2008 · Peter

Debian Icedove no RSS Feeds

After updating to the latest Icedove (Thunderbird) package from the Unstable (Sid) repository my feeds stopped coming. The solution is editing /etc/icedove/pref/icedove....

January 9, 2008 · Peter