Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 Review with Screenshots

Couple of days ago I played a bit with the brand new and not so shiny Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. As this is the first Beta release it is mainly meant for designers and developers so they can get their clocks synchronized with Microsoft....

March 9, 2008 · Peter

IE6 PNG Transparency CSS background-repeat Fix

Couple of people around the forums and here commented that none of the current Internet Explorer 6 PNG scripts provide fix for the issue of using png image as CSS repeated background (background-repeat: repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y)....

December 9, 2007 · Peter

IE6 PNG Transparency Fix with Javascript v2.0

Thanks to Aaron Newton from for refactoring my PNG Fix script and increasing its quality and speed. As usual for dessert explanations + demo and source code...

November 12, 2007 · Peter

IE6 PNG Transparency Fix with Javascript

As always when I need to use some transparent images cursing Internet Explorer 6 is inevitable so i wrote a quick javascript fix....

October 3, 2007 · Peter

IE6 Image WhiteSpace Bug

Something that really gets me out of my skin is this silly bug. I often need some area with no padding, no margin or any other space bellow the image that is contained in it....

August 31, 2007 · Peter