Downtime due to WordPress 2.5 high CPU usage

Sorry for the downtime guys. I have reached my CPU usage limit due to turning on automatic database backup feature in WordPress (or something else – not quite sure)....

April 30, 2008 · Peter

Javascript 2.0 is Coming

Jeremy Martin has done a great review of the upcoming Javascript 2.0. His article points out the major changes including:...

March 23, 2008 · Peter

TCM Stores (TCM Magazini)

Реших да си купувам менте скоростомер (велокомпютър както му викат) от ТСМ магазините. Нали ги знаете тези, който уж продават “Немски Стоки” (made in Taiwan) на луди цени....

March 7, 2008 · Peter

Xedunism is Alive – My Second WordPress Theme

Finally this blog has some decent look. After 2-3 days of coding xhtml/css and playing around with the few graphical elements this theme went public under the name Xedunism – Cheerz!...

February 25, 2008 · Peter

Covarege of Flexcamp (Sofia, Bulgaria)

On 17 Jan 2008 took place the first event in Bulgaria dedicated to Adobe Flex and building RIA with it. It was well organized by Gugga and RIABG with one exception – it was in a weekly day which for sure lowered the number of visitors....

January 19, 2008 · Peter