On 15-th and 16-th of February in a mountain hut(near Sofia) took place the first **CodeCamp** meeting in **Bulgaria.**I took part in it as a speaker and it was great experience for me. Thanks for inviting me!
Organization: Generally we had all we needed for good discussion-based seminar with few areas we can improve:
- We need a better place because this hut proved as not quite comfortable for living. Also connectivity wasn’t great.
- For more attendants we will have to think about organized transportation.
Speakers and topics: People were one of kind! Even for me as designer/html-css-javascript-web3.0-geek there was plenty of interesting topics like virtualization, developing .NET applications with Mono and continuous integration with CI Factory. Basically because of the format of the event (a bit less formal with many discussions) it also covered many topics that were not included in the agenda and that made the event so interesting.
People who attended CodeCamp:
Emil Stoychev, Hristo Iliev, Ivaylo Bratoev, Vladimir Dimitrov, Stefan Dobrev, Deian Varchev, Martin Kulov, Jordan Dimitrov, Svetlin Nakov, Peter Velichkov (me), Radi Buhleva ;)
and many other friends (you know who you are)
My topic was introduction to Mootools Javascript Framework and nevertheless that I’m not quite experienced speaker as most of the people there I think it came out very good. In the next couple of days I will translate the slides from Bulgarian and will put here. Also updating and fixing couple of bugs on the site is in the plan too.
You can find more information on Codecamp’s site
It was fun and interesting with lots of knowledge gained. For the next time I wish only warm weather and no accidents